Daniela Ortiz participated in Domestic Systemic Pandemic with her two video works: 'Jus Sanguinis' and 'Madre Patria' which was shown in the exhibition space and online. The works are still viewable below
Jus Sanguinis
...is the racist regime that establishes that only the babies that have Spanish blood are recognized as subjects with the right to the nationality at the moment of the birth. In this way, the sons and daughters of migrant people that are born in the Spanish territory inherit their parents nationality as well as their legal status. This babies are not recognize as spanish citizens. This is how minors who are racialized are put under the violence of the Immigration laws since they are born. All the member state countries of the European Union have been changing their laws in relation to the rights of the ones who are born in this territories in a way that the right of soil, the right to the nationality by the place of birth, the Jus Soli, is not applied in any of the european union countries. We need to dismantle the myth created by the first class citizens, we need to dismantle the lies built from their position of privilege: The daughters and sons of migrant people do not have direct access to the spanish nationality, do not have access to european nationalities. The daughters and sons of migrants inherit the legal status of their parents. The daughters and sons of migrants can be catalogued automatically as “ilegal immigrants” by the racist and colonial laws. My name is daniela ortiz - i am peruvian and have been living in Spain for the last 9 years - This 9 years i have been living under the spanish and european immigration law - I am pregnant and i am a single mother, my son or daughter will inherit my nationality as well as my legal status. The baby will be born the 9 of February of 2017 and my residency permit expires the 08 of November of 2016. Due to spanish and european law and the Jus Sanguinis regime my son or daughter will be legally considered an immigrant since the birth. My blood and the blood of my baby are not entitled for having the nationality. My blood and the blood of my baby are rejected by the spanish and the european states. He is Jose Emiliano Quiroga . he is an Spanish and european citizen. He had a direct right to the nationality when he was born. His blood is recognized as superior by the racist legal system, his blood gives him the direct access to the nationality. His blood is being transferred to me and my baby.
Madre - Patria
Images recorded on October 12, during the celebration of the Spanish National Holiday (Columbus day), at the base of the monument to Christopher Columbus in Barcelona.
Four Euro white citizens mark the territory on my body carrying the flags of the different neo-colonial powers involved in the Migration Control System.
The Barcelona City Council obstructs the process of reuniting migrant mothers and children, the Generalitat de Catalunya forcibly separates non-European families, the Spanish State detains pregnant women and minors at the Immigration Detention Centers, the European Union forcibly deport pregnant women and minors.
Imágenes grabadas el 12 de Octubre, durante la celebración de la Fiesta Nacional Española, en la base al monumento a Cristobal Colón de Barcelona.
Cuatro ciudadanos euroblancos marcan territorio sobre mi cuerpo portando las banderas de los distintos poderes neo-coloniales implicados en el Sistema de Control Migratorio.
El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona obstaculiza el proceso de reunión de madres e hijxs migrantes, la Generalitat de Catlaunya separa, de manera forzada, a familias no europeas, el Estado Español detiene a mujeres embarazadas y menores en los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros, la Unión Europea deporta de manera forzada a mujeres embarazadas y menores de edad.
Daniela Ortiz (Cusco, 1985) lives and works in Barcelona. Through her work, she generates spaces of tension in which the concepts of nationality, racialization, social class and gender are explored in order to critically understand structures of inclusion and exclusion in society.
Her recent projects and research revolve around the issue of migration control, its links to colonialism, and its management by European-white states and societies. At the same time, she has produced projects about the Peruvian upper class and its exploitative relationship with domestic workers. Daniela gives talks and participates in discussions on Europe’s migration control system and its ties to coloniality in different contexts.
-Konstnärer mot patriarkalt våld
DETROIT GALLERY | 21-28 Nov 2020
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